Search for Trees

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Green Gift Monday

This November brought in a storm of emails from companies trying to promote their products for the holidays. In an effort to maintain the quality of this website, I have ignored all but one of these requests. The Nature Conservancy contacted me about their Green Gift Monday project.

Green Gift Monday

After researching the project I decided that it was in spirit with the goals of this site and I wanted to pass the info on to you. The idea is, rather than investing in plastic gadgets and all the other junk the stores are pushing on you, consider gifting your money toward a worth while cause. The options include adopting trees in Brazil, adopting rainforest in Costa Rica, establishing habitat for hummingbirds, Adopting land in the United States, and many others. Also, when you participate in these great causes you typically recieve some sort of gift pack with information and other fun stuff specific to the cause (for more info check out the site).