EarlyForest.Com is looking for team members and guest bloggers.
Build your professional resume, gain valuable experience & get recognition for your photography and writing.
After over a year of running EarlyForest.Com by myself with Natalie, and sharing hundreds of photos of trees, I have to admit that it will take me a lifetime to photograph all of the trees around the world. I will be continuing with my daily photos and regular posting, but I would like to also open up the doors to others interested in participating. Team members & guests will be invited to write botanical garden & arboreta reviews, share their tree photography, or contribute whatever media inspires them (video or audio podcast?), its up to you.
New team members will be granted an exclusive EarlyForest.Com email address (yourname@earlyforest.com) and guests will be permitted to plug their website or blog.
If you are interested in talking with me about this further please email me at Craig@EarlyForest.Com or drop a comment on this post.